New Infini-D 4.5 gives you an unprecedented combination of video integration, 3D animation power, high-end special effects and a responsive, intuitive working environment. It's the ideal choice for corporate and broadcast video, CD-ROM's and more.

From title animations for the Academy Awards and Miss America Pageant, logo animations for ABC and MTV, story-boards for Independence Day and Clear and Present Danger-- even package designs for Gatorade-- you've seen Infini-D's handiwork everywhere. No other 3D animation software offers this kind of power at this price-- and its intuitive, well-organized interface lets you be creative right away.

All the Power Your Imagination Can Handle

Infini-D gives video pros and hobbyists the tight integration and fast feedback they need. Previews over background video and a synchronized audio track make it easy to match motion and sound--plus incredible rendering features such as field rendering, non-square pixels and full NTSC/PAL color correction. The ability to suspend and resume renderings through batch rendering makes Infini-D a production powerhouse. Network rendering licenses are also available at additional cost.

Here's Just a Taste of What You Get:

Familiar Feel-- Fast, Fabulous Results

The new Infini-D provides a wealth of tools for creating large-scale productions or simple logo animations. A complete set of deformation tools create wonderful morphs full of twists, bulges, tapers and shears. Import any EPS outline and instantly turn it into a perfect 3D logo, or build complex shapes in the SplineForm modeler using Bezier tools familiar to anyone using Illustrator, FreeHand, or Corel Draw. The mesh editor easily makes subtle motions such as a wink or nod by moving individual points on a 3D model, and Infini-D's robust lighting and texturing capabilities allow the most realistic rendered images.

Rich Rewards for Enthusiasts at Every Level!

With Infini-D the learning curve is low and the output quality matches systems costing thousands of dollars more. Thanks to its outstanding interface design, you get professional quality results in minutes, whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out

Macintosh (4.5)

Windows (4.5)